"Establishing connection."
We prevent automated traffic from viewing our forums by doing JavaScript challenges. However, some browser extensions can cause the page to loop endlessly. To fix this issue, turn off your extensions and refresh the page.​
If your browser is outdated, it may be unable to solve Java script challenges. In this case, we recommend installing a more modern browser.​

Unable to log in or register an account.
Turn off your ad-blocker.​

Is the usage of VPN / Proxy connections allowed?
We are mixed on VPN services. This is not because we want to violate privacy. Many VPNs are used in DDoSing, web vuln scanning, and other malicious traffic. We won't actively seek out and ban every Hosting provider. We'll only block the ones actively being abused for such purposes.​
We understand that VPNs are essential for the privacy and security of many of our customers.​