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RijiN TF2 First Impressions


Preface: I have been using the box pertaining to lmao for about a year before trying RijiN out.
AIMBOT: 9/10
Works perfectly with hitscan, I like the config options (for example selecting which bodypart to hit), and also auto baiming when applicable. Projectile aimbot is damn near perfect. Although the hitchance is a bit confusing to config. One thing I would suggest is an fov circle, because I have to keep guessing whether my target is in the aimbot range.
Much, much better than the box pertaining to lmao's. Actually worked all the time, no issues with it.
Visuals themselves are well done, but personally I thought they were poorly optimized. I had to use mastercomfig low to get a playable framerate. Maybe it's just a config issue or the fact I have 1060. I like the style of menus, but some of the title bar text clips into other elements.

HVH: 9/10
AA is good but was a bit hard for me to config initially. Resolver is excellent, much better than the box pertaining to lmao's. Fakelag is also great and better than the box's. Peek assist was also nice to have.
DT: 10/10

Hits hard. Unlike the box of lmao's which was ineffective at times, RijiN dt always works and I have no issues with it.
MISC: 9/10

Misc features are pretty good. P StAC and SMAC bypass, had lots of fun cheating on community servers. Crithack was reliable, and I liked the simple, non-confusing indicator unlike the box's which is confusing to read at times. Auto vote worked, that's all I can say. Unfortunately there is no built in *** mod with the cheat which is why it is getting a 9/10.

Overall: 8/10. Solid cheat, would definitely recommend to anyone looking to get serious with TF2 cheating.
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