HITSCAN: 10 / 10HItscan aimbot is flawless, works perfectly with all hitscan weapons including the wrangler. Mini-guns, pistols, shotguns and snipers all work perfectly, unique weapons such as the ambassador also have settings to delay shots to ensure headshots deal critical damage. Not really much else to say about hitscan aimbot, it just works flawlessly with tons of settings to allow for various playstyles.
PROJECTILE: 9.5 / 10
Rijin has one of the best projectile aimbots on the market rn, with customisable hit chances you can be sure you'll play better than any other player in the server. Ever wanted to hit a soldier with a direct hit 50 times while he's rocket jumping? Rijin's projectile aimbot will allow you to do that! Hate engineer mains? Demo's proj. bot will allow you to destroy his sentries from across the room with the click of a button or do you perhaps hate spies? Well Rijin's aimbot will shove a flare up their a$$ across the map!. Now with the newly added splash bot you can blow up medics and scouts hiding around corners. Although one of the best projectile bots out there it does seem to have a few issues with some projectiles such as the pompson but these issues can easily be rectified through config changes.
Resolver: 9 / 10
Wanna hvh? Enemy spinning around at the speed of sound? Rijin's still gonna put a bullet through their head, the resolver allows detections of both X and Y axis changes, options also allow you to analyse missed shots and correct the pitch incase your enemy changes their AA. Resolver is coded to allow for you to take data from other Rijin users from your party and allow you to get AA pitches. Although amazing the resolver can very rarely miss but it is immediately rectified by the program itself by re-adjusting the AA.
ESP: 10 / 10Esp options are endless, Rijin allows for complete customisation based on your liking. It allows for you to choose different colours, shades and different opacities without destroying your frames unlike some other software. Esp options allow you to chose your playstyle as well allowing for both rage or somewhat legit gameplay according to your preference. All around esp is a clean 10 / 10.
CHAMS: 10 / 10
Chams similar to esp have a ton of customisability, tons of material as well as colour options allowing for endless combinations to be made according to your liking. Cham materials can be chosen to act as an underlying layer or as an overlaid layer allowing for beautiful combinations.